Therapy for Depression
There are times when we feel hopeless, isolated, and not our usual self.
Covid has left us with loss and disconnection to people and communities that we once felt a part of.
If this sounds like you, we’re confident we can help. Green Valley Therapy offers treatment, backed by quality research, to get the relief from depression that you deserve.
Feeling tired, even after you wake up from a full night of sleep
Not enjoying life in the way you used to.. or that you imagine others do
Feeling worthless and like your life lacks meaning or purpose
Difficulty getting out of bed
Feeling like you have zero motivation
Feeling like you are alone and no one truly understands or accepts you
Not hungry often, or feeling constantly hungry
Sadness that comes up more than other feelings… or anger that comes up at times you might feel like it’s not equal to the situation
Thoughts that you (or your loved one’s) would be better if you didn’t exist
If you have experienced any variation of these thoughts and feel like something is off, chances are you’re suffering from depression.
You probably know this but…Depression SUCKS!! And based on years of research, we know that it is not as uncommon as you might think… and is also a treatable condition. Which means… drumroll please… it doesn’t have to keep sucking!! (Queue celebratory music)
At Green Valley Therapy, we start with getting to know you and what does (and doesn’t) work for you in regards to your current mental health. After we get that established, we move onto looking at different options for change, as well as possibilities of the root causes. Oftentimes, people want to know why… why do I do this? Or Why do I feel this way? Your therapist will help you figure that out as a part of understanding what change may be helpful. You’ll decide what works for you and your therapist will support you each step of the way.