Back to School: Establishing Boundaries and Routine for Families

As summer winds down and the new school year approaches, it's time for families to shift gears and prepare for the structured days ahead. Establishing clear boundaries and routines can help make the transition smoother for everyone. Here's how to set your family up for success this school year.

Bedtime Routine

A consistent bedtime routine is crucial for ensuring your children get enough sleep to face the school day energized and focused.

  • Set age-appropriate bedtimes and stick to them, even on weekends.

  • Create a calming pre-bed routine: bath time, reading, or quiet talk.

  • Limit screen time before bed to improve sleep quality.

  • Gradually adjust bedtimes in the weeks leading up to school start.

Setting Family Expectations and Values

Clear expectations and shared values create a strong foundation for your family's school year.

  • Have a family meeting to discuss and agree on expectations.

  • Create a family mission statement or list of core values.

  • Set clear consequences for not meeting expectations.

  • Regularly revisit and adjust expectations as needed.

Including Kids in Chores and Lunches

Involving children in daily tasks teaches responsibility and life skills.

  • Assign age-appropriate chores to each family member.

  • Create a lunch-making station with easy-to-reach ingredients.

  • Teach kids to pack balanced lunches and prepare simple snacks.

  • Use a chore chart to track completion and offer incentives.

Establishing Good Habits

Good habits formed early in the school year can last throughout.

  • Create morning and after-school routines.

  • Set up a dedicated homework space and time.

  • Encourage daily reading and limit recreational screen time.

  • Practice gratitude as a family to foster positivity.

Maintaining Routine in Schedules

A predictable schedule provides security and reduces stress for children.

  • Use a large family calendar to track everyone's activities.

  • Plan and prep meals in advance to avoid weeknight chaos.

  • Schedule regular family time, like game nights or weekend outings.

  • Be consistent, but flexible when unexpected events arise.

Seeking Support

Remember, it's okay to ask for help if you're struggling to establish or maintain these routines. Reach out to teachers, school counselors, or family therapists for additional support and strategies. Your family's well-being is worth the effort, and there are professionals ready to assist you in creating a harmonious and productive school year.

By implementing these strategies, you'll create a supportive environment that helps your children thrive academically and emotionally. Here's to a great school year ahead!

At Green Valley Therapy, we’re here to help. Please contact us if you need help establishing boundaries during this back to school season.


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